Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Pity Party

For those of you who are checking, no baby yet. Although I have been very very sick for the last couple of days. Thank god I have a good support system and lots of people have been chipping in. Today we even went to the hospital to check and make sure everything was a-okay because I have thrown up 7 times today. Even as I type this I feel a little nauseous. They told I was dehydrated and so I'm now drinking some Gatorade to try and rehydrated. Baby is still good. Contractions every night and even while I was there, but they go away. All this makes me cry because I hate being sick and know I'm going to have a newborn around soon and that I'm going to feel crappy again.

Thank you for attending my pity party. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.



Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

praying for you Jenn


Lori Aitken said...

You poor thing. No one deserves to be so ill in their last few days of pregnancy. Take good care of yourself and let your two men (1 big and 1 little) get all of your tasks done for you.

Thinking about you all day, every day.

Goofball said...

oh gosh that sucks...I hope you are feeling much better soon.

Keep drinking! Lots of water. don't dehydrate any further, ok?

Anonymous said...

Sick on top of pregnancy is no fun, that's for sure, especially given how far along you are. Best of luck to you and I hope you get that baby soon.

And don't worry, I'll bet as soon as he arrives your symptoms will all subside.

And Goofball is right - drink your water and maybe even gatorade.

Jenn said...

Oh that is rotten. I hope it passes very quickly and you have some good recovery time before the baby arrives.