Friday, December 28, 2007

I'll Need to Get Smarter..

Lucas and I are inside for the day, as the infected eye, was suppose to be contagious today. While playing in the playroom we hid a grapple hook and a dump truck in a bag. Torin, our cat, being a cat, loves stuff that crinkles so he walked over and sat down on it. Lucas yelled at him.

Lucas: Torin, those are my toys
Mom: Maybe you should share your toys with Torin
Lucas: He can't play with toys he doesn't have any fingers.

Of course I was trying to get him to share, but he's too sensible for sharing with cats.

Till Tomorrow



Lori Aitken said...

Ooo, he IS a smart little man, isn't he? That's such a funny story! Thank goodness for the blog because you'll have a wonderful record of these stories as they happen throughout the years and you'll always be able to recall some of the funniest ones...especially on his wedding day!

Lesley said...

Happy New Year! Can't wait to hear how your Open House/New Years Party was :o)