On Monday you turned 28 months old. You were trumped because it was Auntie Lexie's really birthday so she gets the dedicated blog space for the day. So although it's a couple of days late here is your monthly newsletter.
The biggest development or change in you this month has been your sleeping. We are kind of in a transition mode where some days you take an afternoon nap and other days you don't. On the days you don't you seem to go to bed easy at night. When you do have an afternoon nap it's usually because you are a grumpy bear and really need and would not be able to make it through till bed time. Your daddy and I have tried to be consistent with putting you to bed and doing to the same thing and not laying with you. Of course the other thing that seemed to play right into this time is that we lost your soothers one night, and although found them the next day, still haven't given them back to you.
Although bed times have not been fun the other 12 hours a day you are up are a blast. You love music and dancing. We love to play it in the house and all dance around. If there is a song on you like you insist that we all dance. Mom...dance, Daddy....dance. One of the songs on our latest playlist is live and has clapping at the end and you insist we clap with that as well.
As well as getting rid of the soother we also had some big milestones, first hair cut and the other big one for me was you and Daddy headed off to Ontario for a long weekend to attend Nannie's funeral. To tell you truthfully I did enjoy my bachelorhood for a couple of days but felt such a sense of peace when you and Daddy were back home again. Daddy, Aunt Lori and Grammie all said you were excellent for the whole trip. Daddy was beaming with pride the whole time. You were great on the airplane, during the funeral (although you did point out a Canadian Flag) and the visitation.
One of you other favorite past times this month has been taking pictures. Although I know that we should limit your TV watching, when you do watch TV it is usually Diego and he has taught you a lot. One of the characters in Diego is "click the camera". I think that has started it and then the idea of digital pictures you can take as many as you like. Plus you see us taking lots of pictures and so you want to as well. Or like to instruct us on what pictures to take. Mom take a picture of my digger. Diego (along with Daddy an Dora) has also taught you your right and lefts and how to count to 10 in spanish. Got to love TV. =)
The Christmas season is upon us and I am excited about this year. Having you around makes Christmas so much better. It reminds me of what Christmas should be about. Jingle Bells (your favorite Christmas carol), lights on people's houses, making and eating Christmas cookies. Although you have had fun wrapping presents there are no "perfect" gifts, or any pressure to find those gifts. You will be happy to see Oma and Opa and your aunts and no pressure to make sure everyone is having the perfect time. Anyway you make it so much better and remind me about all the fun stuff there is to do at Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, although you were quite nervous you did go sit on Santa's knee. You would not look at him directly but by the end of your visit you did tell him you wanted cars for Christmas. The photographer was excellent and obviously has had lots of experience with kids. To get you to smile at her she made a big farting noise. You are such a little boy that way. If you fart in the tub it makes you giggle endlessly, which makes me laugh endlessly.
i love you my little boy,
What a cute newsletter this month. Gosh, I love my little man (aka my nephew) SOOOOOO much!
Aunt Lori
Happy 28 months Lucas
wonderful photos
Praying you and your mom and dad have a wonderful Christmas
Jen at http://my3boysandi.wordpress.com/
great pictures as always. Really fun dancing picture!
My niece likes Dora as well but we do not know Diego.
Thanks for a great newsletter, and for including us in Lucas's opening of our gifts for Christmas. It is so much fun to watch his reaction on what he sees. We love him so much. It was great to have him and daddy home for a few days. Great to sit and watch Lucas play. He was soooo good.
Thanks again, Love Grammy and Grandad
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