Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Day Different Then Planned.....

Today I thought it would be fun to take Oma and Opa with Lucas and I to "Build A Bear" so he could spend his holiday money from them there. Last time we were there he was quite fond of the Triceratops they had, but we weren't able to build it because of time limits and we were there with other kids. Today Lucas walked into Build a Bear, and basically walked out. He had no interest in getting a triceratops or any thing else for that matter. In the end after some walking around we bought (another) piece of construction equipment at Zellers (which I generally find expensive, do you?)

Then we came home and his eye that had been watering for a couple of days was now pussing. So after nap time we headed to the walk in clinic (which was surprisingly fast) and got some eye drops (which was also suprisingly fast) and came home. Now we have to put eye drops in Lucas's eyes 4 times a day. So not fun..... at least he's still at an age where he is easily distracted.

Pictures to come soon...

Till Tomorrow



Anonymous said...

oh poor Lucas
praying for him
jen at

Lesley said...

I'm definitley not a Zellers fan, I don't really find that "the lowest price is the law" applies there. I'd rather go to Wal-Mart or Toys R Us.
Hope Lucas's eye clears up soon. Alex seems to get colds in his eyes really easy. It never really pusses, just seems weepy and kind of hazy. I always have him checked for pinkeye but usually the doc just recommends polysporin eye/ear drops and it clears it up in less than 24 hours.