Sunday, October 03, 2010

Fall Colour

In Calgary we have one weekend of fall. That was two weekends ago. Last weekend it was so hot we were outside in shorts. But really all of the beautiful colors were out two weekends ago. Here are a couple of shots from our back yard and the mountains.

We have a beautiful maple tree in our back yard that turns a lovely color of red.

In the mountains all the trees turn quite yellow. So we don't have the variety that we use to see in Ontario, but for that one week we have some beautiful colors here in Alberta.

Till Tomorrow


1 comment:

Goofball said...

we usually don't get much more than yellow the time they turn nicely, it has rained so much so they fall & rot right away. I do hope to get some nice views in the woods in the coming weeks, but not sure whether that'll work

We are currently having a fairly warm week after previous weeks of sad grey gloomy fall weather.