Monday, June 29, 2009


Last night I went upstairs to check Lucas in his bed and he wasn't there. This is pretty common as he often falls asleep in our bed, so I went to my room, but he wasn't there either. I went back to his room and checked on the floor beside his bed, but he's not there either. Panic starts to run through me, I go back to my room and check under our bed and in the closet. Nope he's not there either. I call Darryl, can you help me find Lucas. Darryl checks in Nathan's room, nope he's not there either. We start to call out his name. We check downstairs. But I had been sitting down there, and hadn't seen him come down. I check the living room, Darryl checks the pantry. Finally I find him hiding here........

Under a chair in the playroom. It's like his little cage.

Till Tomorrow



Darryl said...

Don't forget, he fell asleep there under the chair, which is why he didn't answer our calls.

Crazy kid! :)

Allie said...

Yikes! How scary to have that moment of terror wondering where your precious child is. Glad to hear that the little monkey just decided to sleep elsewhere! In retrospect, it is kind of funny ...

Goofball said...

pff not a fun habit for the parents!