Sunday, November 10, 2013

Nathan's Bad Dream

This morning Nathan wakes around 6:30, crying.  I go in and he says he has a bad dream.

Mom: Oh that's too bad, what was your bad dream about?
Nathan: I was locked out
Mom: Oh, locked out of where?
Nathan: The dance floor
Mom: Yeah that is hard to be locked off the dance floor. 

Till Next Time


1 comment:

Lori Aitken said...

Oh, Nathan! You're too cute!

Before I woke up this morning I dreamed that I was trying to catch up with Paul in a fancy department store in a big city. I was wearing very cute but very high heeled shoes so I couldn't move very quickly. When I finally caught up with him he was trying on a dusty rose velour dinner jacket. Now THAT's a nightmare!!

Aunt Lori