Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October Round Up

October is always a pretty good month.  I feel a bit more settled after the craziness of September.  Not that October is less crazy then September, but I (and all of us) get more use to the routine then in September when it's still a shock to the system. 

Nathan has gotten more use to  his new routine with going to the neighbors and going to school.  He is starting to understand and speak some french words. 

Lucas is also really enjoying school, he loves science and wants to decorate his room with rocks which is what their science classes have been about. 

We have done a couple of fun family activites this month too.  Thanks giving weekend we went to Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump.  If was very interesting to see the history in this part of the world.   Here are the boys at head smashed in buffalo jump. 
We have also had an unseasonably warm and long fall.  Usually in Calgary we have fall for about a weekend or two and then in snows.  The snow doesn't usually stay, but it makes the leaves fall off all the trees and the air feel more chilled.  But this year it's snowed on October 27th, so we had almost a month to enjoy the fall.  And we totally took advantage of it.  Lots of playing outside and fires with friends. 

I also had opportunities to do more running this fall and one day I even biked to work.

Our other big "adventure" this month was Lucas getting his braces. All of this orthodontic work he has had this past 3 months has been a big learning curve for us.  I've learned about what Lucas's favorite soft foods are, how his mouth can ache, what medicine works best for him, how he can eat very slowly and different ways he can brush his teeth.  It is challenging to watch your kid in pain especially when it's your decision that are causing it.

Every year the boys have a Halloween dance at school, last year it was Darryl and Nathan who were matching and this year it was Darryl and I who coordinated with our Batman and Robin costumes. 

Hope you had a good October as well!


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