Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I have done 3 sprint triathalons in my life.  It was on my life list as something to complete, I always loved swimming and biking and I did the running becuase that was part of it, but I never loved the running.  Honestly I barely did the running, I did mostly walking and a bit of running.  But over the years I've started running and running more.  I've gone through 3 pairs of running shoes with the running. 

I usually run once a week with Tammy, sometimes twice, but usually just once.  Usually about 4-5 km each time.  But there have been times in the last while when I think to myself "By god I am a runner".  A couple of weeks ago I woke up on a Saturday and it was starting to snow.  A couple of years ago i would have thought "oh good it's snowing I don't have to run', but when I woke up that morning I thought "oh crap I better get running, so I can get my run in'.  And then on Saturday I ran a run I had signed up for and I went and ran 8 km.  That is the longest I have ever run!  Plus it was snowing and -15 degrees, and although I complained about it all day, the run was really fun.  I dressed properly and had great company. 

Who would have guessed.... I'm a runner. 



Susan said...

Run Jennifer run

Lori Aitken said...

You sure are a runner!! I'm envious. I've tried "learning to run" a couple of times but I just can't do it.

Atta girl!

Anonymous said...

You are truly a runner. I wish I had tried something like that, but I am too old now. I tend to think YOU could do anything you put your mind to. Way to go Jenn. I'm in your corner rooting for you.

Goofball said...

wow, I've tried to start running 3 times already and each time I quite after 2 months or so. My max is 4 kms ....not very impressive.