Friday, January 04, 2013

Book 1: A Week In WInter

Maeve Binchy is my very favorite authour.  Her books are very "fiction" based, not necessarily romance or mystery or biography, but about people and there lives.  The other thing I like about them is they are generally quite a light read.  I might shed a tear or two, but I'm not sobbing. The other thing she does is write alot of great characters.  This last book really reminded me or the first book I read by her Evening Class.  Each chapter is about a different character and their "story".   She writes men just as well as women and old people just as well as young.  This story is about a woman, Chicky, who changes an old Irish house into a hotel where people go for vacation.  The stories revolve around the people who work at the Stone House, as well as the people who come to visit the first week.   It was a great read and I enjoyed hours of sitting on the couch this week enjoying it.   Although I had trouble with the last chapter as Maeve Binchy died last year, so this will be her last book.  What a bitter sweet moment.  A good book I've enjoyed, but the last time I'll read something new from her....

Onto the next on When I Go to Sleep. 


1 comment:

Alberta said...

I also enjoy a good read! Such a loss to the literary world and mankind.