Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Dutch Girl....

I love spring time. I love getting flowers and gardening and growing things. I get such satisfaction in growing beautiful things and growing delicious foods and even this weekend when I opened the bottom of the composter and saw lots of good dirt in the bottom, there is a real satisfaction in that. One of the first flowers that comes up is all the tulips. I am a dutch girl, I have an Oma and Opa and my Oma gives me lots of tulip bulbs. They looks so beautiful in the spring. Our privacy garden in the back is stunning.

Love the springtime and the beautiful flowers.

Till Next Time



Anonymous said...

Wow, I witnessed most of those tulip plantings and they look great. Oma has good healthy bulbs, and all the little hands that helped did good work too. Congratulations on a beautiful tulip showing.
A job well done.

Goofball said...

very beautiful

I noticed tulips are very very popular in Canada