Wednesday, January 03, 2024


 Hi All, 

Here is the yearly post for 2023 - and man it was really eventful.  We went on some really great trips, moved Oma and Opa out of their house, Lucas and Nathan both finished at their respective schools and Oma and Opa both passed away - in about a month from each other.  I started a new job and continued to do good work in my field - which led to an amazing trip.  It was a year of carpe diem - saying yes to lots of cool opportunities.  

Jan and Feb were fairly uneventful - a lot of time was spent on the renovation of the bathroom.  There was some skiing and hiking and dinners out - but most of the time was spent on that space.  Luckily it was completed in the spring and it's just what we had envisioned.  

March we took that kids back to their homeland of Amsterdam for the last March break for both kids.  We started in Belgium and had an amazing time.  We did some food tours, spoke French and visited lots of small towns around the country - Brugge, Ghent and Leuven.  Leuven was our favourite as we had our own personal tour guide.  We stayed in a great Air BnB in Belgium as well and ate lots of good food.  Then we took the train to Amsterdam and had profiteroles and mint tea - with a big sprig of mint.  We stayed on a boat in the canals - ate good food, went to museums and more museums, took boat rides and enjoyed our walking around.  It really was so fun to be the four of us together on trip.  

In the spring Nathan went to Ontario and Quebec with his school and I went to Gatineau for the conference.  Both Lucas and Nathan graduated from their respective schools, including Lucas with his French diploma from high school.  

Spring also included a job change for me - it was a bit unexpected, but I am someone who tends to throw their hat in as I love learning and growing.  It's been a good opportunity for me - even though I loved my other job as well.  Very lucky in my career to have lots of good opportunities and to always take those and learn and grow.  

Summer included a trip to Colorado with Nathan and Tammy to see the Avett Brothers for 3 nights.  We stayed in a hotel with a pool so it was a lovely vacation of chilling poolside in the day and singing and dancing all night.  It also included a few trips to Kelowna.  Oma and Opas's health was not great and so the trips were largely to move them here to Calgary.  We still found time for swimming and enjoying some of the regular activities we did in Kelowna - ice cream eating, and jumping off the dock.  However lots of time was sorting and cleaning through their things.  

The fall continued to be eventful with a birthday paddle boarding and a trip to Ottawa for leadership training.  We spent a lot of time with Oma and Opa as their health continued to decline.  Opa passed away at the end of September and then Oma in mid-November.  In fact she passed away the day after I got back from my big trip to the Middle East.  While their deaths are sad and had an impact - their lives had a much bigger impact on me and my whole family.  I was lucky to always be so close with my Oma and Opa spending lots of time with them throughout all of my years.  Whether it was as a baby when I lived with them and Oma use to babysit me or when we lived around the block from them when I was a teenager.  I was also close with them all throughout my adult hood, going twice a year to see them in Kelowna.  They had a significant impact on my time and well-being.  And while I will miss them and my so fun affordable summer vacations - I feel so much gratitude and joy about how much time I did get with them when they were alive.  Another reason why 2023 reminded me what a lucky lady I am!  

In late October and most of November I took a trip of a lifetime to Egypt, Qatar and then Mexico. I was able to fly first class and experience very different cultures and ways of life.  I will be forever grateful for the opportunity and proud and glad of myself for expanding an opportunity and doing something out of my comfort zone, travelling to Egypt on my own.  

Over the year I continued to do lots of yoga and started more classes with weights.   We skiied and hiked and swan. My health continues to be good and I'm glad that I'm not limited with my activities.  The kids continue to do well - Nathan in high school and Lucas is working.  

Here is a video highlighting some of the fun stuff of the year.  

For this upcoming year, I don't have a lot of goals - 2023 was so great, it's a lot of keeping doing what I'm doing - seizing opportunities, travelling and being present to enjoy all the good times.  The unknowing of what will happen is the gift.  For health - continue to stay active and have fun.  Go to the doctor on a more regular basis.  Keep walking the dog daily.  For relationships - continue to reach out to people, especially my sister, however, continue to cultivate all relationships.  Have patience with the kids while they are figuring out their paths.  Work - the promotion I'm in is technically a temporary one - so we will see what happens by the end of the year.  I continue to work at the hospital and so we will see if that continues in the new year.  I do really enjoy it, but sometimes it can feel alot with the other work I do.  

Well this blog is really not read by many any more - and I think Oma and Opa were one of the few.  So a few less people this year - however I do love to go back and reflect on the years through these posts.  

Wishing anyone who does read a happy and healthy 2024~!


Goofball said...

Oh Jenn, I didn't know your oma and opa had passed away in the fall. I remember we were talking when you were moving them out of the house. I am so sorry to read this. Big hug.

(and I still get any update on your blog in my reader feed ;) )

Anonymous said...

I didn’t know that you still wrote these. I was a good reflection of the crazy year we’ve had