Different people have different things that they feel strongly about. And usually people have a variety of different things. Tammy feels that you need to eat in the kitchen, not living room. Mom hates to be late for church. Darryl needs to sanatize the kitchen before cooking in it. It's interesting that everyone has there own things. Alot of people "things" have to do with cleanliness. I unfortunatly have none of those.
One "thing" I do feel strongly about is reading, especially to Lucas. When Lucas was first born we had to figure out a bed time routine. That was one thing I said had to be in there. Now everytime before going to bed, even naps, we read to him. I love it. I love to read him books. We recently got a bunch of "interactive" books. He caught onto them so quickly. He know where all the "lift the flaps" are. He know where to feel for the fuzzy ears or the rough paws in That's Not My Lion. Plus he quite enjoys alot of his older books. We read the same ones day after day, but he still listen and looks at the pictures. Goodnight Moon and Sheep in a Jeep are ones we had since he was born.
Now Darryl and I know most of his books off by heart. Sometimes one of us will break into the lines from a book. For example "big A, little A was begins with A" and the other one will chime in with the answer. "Aunt Annie Aliigator, a,a,a" Or we can recite whole books together. "A cow says mooo, a sheep says baaaa, three singing pigs say la la la" Honestly we could go on for days.
I am glad that Darryl has embraced reading aloud to Lucas. It was not his idea of fun and although he knew it was important for him, I think he was self concious about doing it. But lucky for me, he does it now with pleasure. I guess that's what happens when you feel strongly about something.
Till Tommorrow
1 comment:
Thank you for showing Darryl and Lucas the wonderful world of Books. It is so important to be able to enjoy books and read well and understand what you read. Practice makes perfect. Hooray for you Jenn, you have given both of your men the love of books. It is a great bonding time with Lucas as well.
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