Friday, December 28, 2007

I'll Need to Get Smarter..

Lucas and I are inside for the day, as the infected eye, was suppose to be contagious today. While playing in the playroom we hid a grapple hook and a dump truck in a bag. Torin, our cat, being a cat, loves stuff that crinkles so he walked over and sat down on it. Lucas yelled at him.

Lucas: Torin, those are my toys
Mom: Maybe you should share your toys with Torin
Lucas: He can't play with toys he doesn't have any fingers.

Of course I was trying to get him to share, but he's too sensible for sharing with cats.

Till Tomorrow


Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Day Different Then Planned.....

Today I thought it would be fun to take Oma and Opa with Lucas and I to "Build A Bear" so he could spend his holiday money from them there. Last time we were there he was quite fond of the Triceratops they had, but we weren't able to build it because of time limits and we were there with other kids. Today Lucas walked into Build a Bear, and basically walked out. He had no interest in getting a triceratops or any thing else for that matter. In the end after some walking around we bought (another) piece of construction equipment at Zellers (which I generally find expensive, do you?)

Then we came home and his eye that had been watering for a couple of days was now pussing. So after nap time we headed to the walk in clinic (which was surprisingly fast) and got some eye drops (which was also suprisingly fast) and came home. Now we have to put eye drops in Lucas's eyes 4 times a day. So not fun..... at least he's still at an age where he is easily distracted.

Pictures to come soon...

Till Tomorrow


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was great. It's nice that Lucas is at an age that he really enjoyed it. I love giving gifts and this year I know I gave a couple of great ones. In the summer we are lucky to spend lots of time with my Oma and Opa, therefore I think I know them pretty well. Early on Christmas Eve Opa was telling stories about how much he loved The Vinyl Cafe. Later that evening when he opened his present it was a book of stories about the Vinyl Cafe. He delve into that book as soon as he could. It's so nice to give someone a present they love.

I also got Darryl an ipod touch and he had the same reaction. I knew he would love it, but he couldn't wait until all the gifts were open and he could go play with it. I also got a Matchbox Pop Up Farm for Lucas which diverted his attention from playing the elf and giving gifts to playing with the farm and the Deere tractor it came with.

I hope your gift giving was as enjoyable as mine.

Merry Christmas


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Favorite Christmas Carols and Traditions

Here are my top Christmas Carols:

1. Christmas Song: Dave Matthews Band
2. Jingle Bells: Barenaked Ladies
3. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer: Jack Johnson (just found it this year)
4. Song for a Winter's Night: Sarah McLachlan
5. Mary's Boy Child: Boney M
6. Winter Wonderland: Hellogoodbye (another I found this year)
7. 12 Days of Christmas: John Denver and the Muppets (especially Miss Piggy)

And some of our favorite Christmas Traditions:

  • Mom and Dad's creative/gag gifts.
  • We've started Cinnamon Buns on Christmas morning (I think this year will also have fruit and yougourt)
  • Chocolate letters, oranges and life savers in the stockings
  • Great vacations we've had over the Christmas holidays.
  • Each person opening a gift, while everyone else pays attention to it
Darryl, Mom, Dad, Alexis, anything I'm forgetting?

Anyone, what are your favorite Christmas traditions?

Till Tomorrow


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas to Me!

On Friday my Christmas present was installed. I love it. I can skip through commercials, watch Y&R at 9:30 at night if I need too. Especially with the writers strike. Now Lucas can watch Diego whenever he'd like. Here is the beautiful thing....

Tiger Butter Recipe

1 pound of white chocolate melted ( I use the microwave) with 1/2 c. of peanut butter. Pour it in a 9x11 container lined with wax paper. Melt one package of chocolate ( I like dark) and pour in lines over the top of it. And then run a knife through it.

It's delicious.

Till Tomorrow


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Monthly Newsletter- Month Twenty Eight

Dear Lucas,

On Monday you turned 28 months old. You were trumped because it was Auntie Lexie's really birthday so she gets the dedicated blog space for the day. So although it's a couple of days late here is your monthly newsletter.

The biggest development or change in you this month has been your sleeping. We are kind of in a transition mode where some days you take an afternoon nap and other days you don't. On the days you don't you seem to go to bed easy at night. When you do have an afternoon nap it's usually because you are a grumpy bear and really need and would not be able to make it through till bed time. Your daddy and I have tried to be consistent with putting you to bed and doing to the same thing and not laying with you. Of course the other thing that seemed to play right into this time is that we lost your soothers one night, and although found them the next day, still haven't given them back to you.

Although bed times have not been fun the other 12 hours a day you are up are a blast. You love music and dancing. We love to play it in the house and all dance around. If there is a song on you like you insist that we all dance., One of the songs on our latest playlist is live and has clapping at the end and you insist we clap with that as well.

As well as getting rid of the soother we also had some big milestones, first hair cut and the other big one for me was you and Daddy headed off to Ontario for a long weekend to attend Nannie's funeral. To tell you truthfully I did enjoy my bachelorhood for a couple of days but felt such a sense of peace when you and Daddy were back home again. Daddy, Aunt Lori and Grammie all said you were excellent for the whole trip. Daddy was beaming with pride the whole time. You were great on the airplane, during the funeral (although you did point out a Canadian Flag) and the visitation.

One of you other favorite past times this month has been taking pictures. Although I know that we should limit your TV watching, when you do watch TV it is usually Diego and he has taught you a lot. One of the characters in Diego is "click the camera". I think that has started it and then the idea of digital pictures you can take as many as you like. Plus you see us taking lots of pictures and so you want to as well. Or like to instruct us on what pictures to take. Mom take a picture of my digger. Diego (along with Daddy an Dora) has also taught you your right and lefts and how to count to 10 in spanish. Got to love TV. =)

The Christmas season is upon us and I am excited about this year. Having you around makes Christmas so much better. It reminds me of what Christmas should be about. Jingle Bells (your favorite Christmas carol), lights on people's houses, making and eating Christmas cookies. Although you have had fun wrapping presents there are no "perfect" gifts, or any pressure to find those gifts. You will be happy to see Oma and Opa and your aunts and no pressure to make sure everyone is having the perfect time. Anyway you make it so much better and remind me about all the fun stuff there is to do at Christmas.

Speaking of Christmas, although you were quite nervous you did go sit on Santa's knee. You would not look at him directly but by the end of your visit you did tell him you wanted cars for Christmas. The photographer was excellent and obviously has had lots of experience with kids. To get you to smile at her she made a big farting noise. You are such a little boy that way. If you fart in the tub it makes you giggle endlessly, which makes me laugh endlessly.

i love you my little boy,


This is Why I Don't Sleep Naked...

I'm really hoping for the best, but a little nervous for the worst.

One of our new neighbors is a bunch of guys, which doesn't really bother me, but doesn't really excite me either. They all work and their cars are gone before mine in the morning. We have heard there music a couple of times but it is always off before 11pm. So although I'm not excited to have new friends, or playmates for Lucas. I was being optimistic about it, they work and hopefully they won't give us too hard of a time.

Well on Saturday morning I called the police. At around 6am there were a bunch of girls screaming outside there house. We had heard their music in the evening and again at about 1:30 in the morning, but this was the first time and Darryl and I were both able to fall asleep. Anyway 6am, a girl screaming out front about how the guy had broken her finger. Her and her friend were obviously drunk. I yelled, told them to be quiet, we were trying to sleep. Of course the drunk girls were not being rationale and the neighbors were going on about how he didn't break her finger. I told them I didn't care and if they didn't shut up I was calling the police. Well guess what, they weren't quiet and I did call the police. They had called a taxi for the girls and although he was hanging out front the girls were not getting in the taxi. They were just kicking the window, which is now cracked and yelling. A minute or so later the older guy from the house came to try and break up the fight and the girl punched him. He grabbed her arm and she almost fell down the steps. Then the taxi leaves, then the guys shut the door and turn off the outside lights. So there are there two really drunk girls in short dresses walking up the street at 6am in the middle of the winter.

Luckily I did not see or hear about any girls who froze the next day....

I'm sure the cops came soon after that.....

Crap, what did we get ourselves into...

Till Tomorrow


Monday, December 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Alexis

Today my sister is a quater century old. Happy Birthday Lexie! Can't wait to see you. (sorry Lexie, for the typo, I do have an excellent present to make up for it, and I'll get cupcakes for you)


Friday, December 14, 2007

Baby Update

This pregnancy has been quite easy, especially compared with the last one. Although today has been the one of the first times (other then not being able to drink wine) that I have been very aware that I'm pregnant. My pelvic floor feels like it's going to fall out. There was a deal at the Superstore where if you spent 250$ you got 30$ off. So I got diapers, every kind of meat, and all the "stuff" for turkey dinner. Superstore has the big bins to put your food in which usually I love, but today I over did it. I carried too much stuff today, geez I don't like not being able to do stuff. Guess I'll have to go to the grocery store where they carry the groceries out for you....

Thursday, December 13, 2007


It's funny how when people who you are close to are away how you feel some sense of peace when they are close to you. I even feel a greater sense of peace when my sister is in Calgary, although that only happens a couple of weeks a year. My husband and son are back home and I am feeling much more peaceful about it. Although the day with Lucas was spent inside playing and no real adventures he is having a nice nap and we had a blast. Just doing kid stuff. Peace is about family, I'm glad to have mine home.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Speechless..... well almost

I don't have much to say. I've been working like a dog. I can't wait to see my boys. 4 whole days with Lucas. I've watched the ABC video lots.

Till Tomorrow


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Weekend Delight...

This weekend Darryl and Lucas headed off to Ontario becuase Darryl's grandma died. Although sad that we can't see her anymore the nice part was it was her choice and she had a chance to say goodbye to all her loved ones.

So after I left Darryl and Lucas at the airport I came home and was amazed at how much I got done. It's amazing how effective I can be when I put my mind to it (and when there is not a toddler around). Cleaned the house, vacumming, mopping, cleaning up "stuff" and then I took Emma for a walk up on the ridge.

Which made me loved my new house and neighboorhood.

The next day I watched a girly movie and made Tiger Butter.

Although I have been working a lot this last couple of days, I am currently wrapping presents and waiting anxiously for my boys to come home.

Till Tomorrow


Monday, December 10, 2007


This video was taken about a month ago, but the camera that does video got lost in the move. Here is my boy.....I think he prefers the first part of the alphabet to the second part, he seems mad at it.

Till Tomorrow


Thursday, December 06, 2007

Christmas Shopping

Today I got the majority of my Christmas shopping done. Even some stocking stuffers. I do love giving presents so enjoying looking for good presents for everyone. The other part that was good today was it was a Thursday and so the malls and other stores weren't so bad.

I generally don't buy too much for Lucas for Christmas. Santa will bring him a couple of gifts, but everyone else buys him stuff, so I save my spending for kids who need it or other times of the year for Lucas. I do seem to give him gifts most of the year, so I don't really worry about Christmas. The other thing is everything goes on sale after Christmas so I like to wait till then. Let's make Christmas about trees and lights, music and family, good food and cookies. Not presents.

It was a funny experience for me today. I started at Toys R Us and was more concerned about getting a good deal then getting "stuff" whereas by the end I was buying whatever I could find. But I do feel like I got alot of gifts people will really like. Plus I'll make everyone turkey, so they can't complain about that. =)

Till Tomorrow


Wednesday, December 05, 2007


We have been having some issues with Lucas's sleep lately. He has started to give up his afternoon naps and then was fighting his sleep at night. One of the things we started to pay more attention to is how much sugar is in "stuff" so we were more careful with what we gave him in the evenings. Most cereal kids would enjoy has a lot of sugar in it. Except cheerios. Juice has lots in it, so I'm sure to water it down if I give him any. Although now milk is our drink of choice in the evenings. Comparatively cookies have less sugar in them then cereal. Especially if they are animal crackers or some kind of cookie that is not all chocolate. Granola bars really vary, so if you are concerned about sugar, check the labels. Anyway it's interesting to look at how much sugar is in things.

Is there anything any of you eat that is low on sugar that you want to let me in on I'd love to know??? Or any good bed time snacks that protein in them?

Till Tomorrow


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Dear Lori,

You are an excellent mother but I just wanted to give you some heads up on some recent tricks with Lucas so you are well prepared when he comes, not that he is hard to deal with just some ideas for you...

1. I hope you have lots of bandaids on stock. It seems to be the latest thing for him. 4 times a week we are putting a bandaid on for some sort of "owie". He's never bled, but is quite fond of bandaids. Also they don't have to be fancy. Cheap is fine. =)

2. Ever since we got his hair cut his boyish side of roughhousing has come out. If you are laying on the floor be prepared for him to jump on you.

3. He loves it when things match. Especially the same color. If he ever doesn't want to wear something, just mention how it will match with something else he's wearing and that usually works great.

4. He likes sharing, and will often ask you which of the two things he has do you want. It doesn't really matter which one you chose, he already has yours picked out. =)

5. He is in a growth spurt and will eat alot.

6. He says the cutest things. Today I asked what he wanted to play and he said " I'm thinking about it". Or if he leaves you to go get something he'll usually say, be right back.

I think that's it. I do hope he brings some joy to your family.

Till Tomorrow


Saturday, December 01, 2007

Saturday in Pictures

Lucas and I were up at 6am this morning, after a actioned packed night for both of us. I was at a Christmas Party and Lucas had his friend over for a play. So neither of us were very happy. I was trying to sleep on the couch and Lucas was wanting an ice cream cone for breakfast. But after that the day looked up.

One of Lucas friends woke from the sleepover and Lucas had someone to play around with.

And even though it is -18 outside, Lucas is happy to bundle up and go outside for 10 minutes.

Then after waking so early Lucas feel asleep in my arms after lunch.
But we still had time for Lucas's first hair cut EVER! Now he looks like a little boy.

Till Monday


Friday, November 30, 2007

A Sad and Happy Day

Even as I start to write this post I feel tears welling up in my eyes. It's so strange that I'm still so emotional about it, maybe it's the pregnancy hormones or maybe it's normal.

Yesterday we handed over the keys for the old house. The happy and good part of it is we gave the house to good people. People who I would be friends with and people who have a child and a dog and will enjoy the house as much as we did.

The sad part of it, is it's not my house anymore. I will always have the memories of it, which are the most important, but I can't go and picture those memories whenever I'd like. I remember Darryl and I first driving into the neighboorhood and falling in love with it. Or sitting in the Wendy's trying to decide what floor plan to choose. Picking colors and light fixtures, flooring and kitchens. I remember moving in and feeling like we had nothing to put in the house and all those rooms or eating Swiss Chalet. My very best birthday party was the year after we moved in. I remember bringing Emma home and sleeping with her downstairs with her the first night while she had the smelliest gas. I remember the many holidays we had in that house. Making our first Thanksgiving dinner and the best pie I've ever had. Or the first Christmas Charlie Brown Tree and the angel Alexis made for the top, which had a twist tie for a halo. I remember Mom and Dad living with us, and Tammy, Pat, Matt and Shaun. Bringing Shaun home after he was born and the night he screamed like Pavorotti. I remember finding out I was pregnant and sitting on the stairs listening to Sarah McLachlan. I remember decorating Lucas's room or sitting in the backyard in the baby pool to keep cool, while I was so pregnant. I remember bringing Lucas home and setting up the nursing "station" where I would feed him, all the time. Lucas took his first steps in that hallway and jumped like a happy, crazy baby in the door way of the den.

Yesterday as I was cleaning the house I couldn't bring myself to clean off the marks we had made where we measured Lucas's height. The new family can get rid of them, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Goodbye house, I'm hoping you will be as good to the new people as you were to us.

Till Tomorrow


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fun Winter Day........ The Beginning of the End

I may always love Tuesday becuase of the fond memories I have of my days with Lucas. I am so lucky to only work part time and Tuesday's in not a day I work. Its snowed all night last night and so the drive to work sounded horrible, but Lucas and I enjoying hanging out in our p.j's until that was all done. We did head out to the store to pick up a couple of things and then came home and bundled up to play outside for a while. Nothing special but I love to spend the day with him. I'm so looking forward to my year maternity leave.

It is the beginning of the end of nap time. He was been happy for most of the day he did not have a nap this afternoon. I'm sad, I don't want nap time to be done. Most days he still has a nap, but about once a week he skips it. I do miss having time to myself in the day. I'm going to have to instigate quiet time in the afternoons when naps stop all together.

Till Tomorrow


Monday, November 26, 2007

The Alien

As this could be it for having kids I'm trying to savor being pregnant this time. It has been a really great pregnancy and have nothing to complain about. It's weird to go through a stage in your life and know that this may be the last time you go through it. That's kind of how I feel about this pregnancy. One of the great things about pregnancy is feeling that baby inside you. I have been able to feel the little bambino for a while. Now Darryl and Lucas can feel the baby too. I feel that baby doing summer salts all the time. Especially in the evening or when I go to bed. I must say I have really enjoyed pregnancy this time (although I may have changed my mind in a couple of months, when I can't sleep because of being uncomfortable =) But for now.... it's great.

Till Tomorrow


Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Great Weekend

There are certian times of the year that each weekend is busy. Usually in the late spring, early summer when there are lots of BBQ's and garage sales. Next is this time of year when there are Christmas parties and cookie exchanges. I do enjoy both of these times of year becuase it provides balance for the weekends in Feburary when there is nothing to do... Here are some picture highlights of our adventerous weekend.

On Saturday was Lucas's friend Joey's birthday party. Both Lucas and I really enjoyed it becuase Petland came and brought lots of animals with them. Kittens and puppies, bunnies and guinea pigs, lizards and a bird were all for the kids to interact with. Lucas and I both love animals so we enjoyed holding all of them (except the bird, we were not to big on the bird)

Here we are with the Gecko

And with the Bunny. Thanks to Aaron and Lesley for the pictures, I almost look skinny in this picture. =)

Today one of my three jobs was holding a children's christmas party. I though it would be fun for us to go and see what they did, plus we got to see Santa. Which as you can tell by the pictures Lucas is not too happy about. Although it's not as bad as the picture of Alexis and I screaming on Santa's knee. Which we should scan in....

The bonus of the party was there was a huge bouncer that Lucas loved jumping in and going down a very cushy slide. Plus he scored a free gift from Santa as well.

All in all a fun action packed weekend. Hope everyone else's was the same.


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Interview Questions

One of the fun things about blogging is that I have have met lots of fun people and a part of every evening is to check what all my "bloggin" friends have written about. Goofball had someone ask her questions and offered to do it for any of her readers. I thought it would be interesting to see what people wanted to know about me, so here are her questions. If anyone else has any questions please ask in comments. If you want me to interview you, also let me know in comments with your e-mail and I'll send you interview questions.

So here are mine:

I see that you sometimes refer to yourself as “curly jenn”… do you have nicknames or do some of your friends or relatives have funny nicknames and what is the story behind it?

I don't really have a nickname. For certain things I do refer to myself as CurlyJenn, it probably started with my gmail account, becuase my very common name was taken. I have curly hair, so that is where the curly jenn came from. I do use one other alias, so that people don't know my real name, like at Old Navy when they want your name to put on the change room or if a telemarketer is calling and that is Paige Robertson. I'd love to see if anyone can guess what that is from. I'll be sure to put it in my next post.

2) I always love it when other people post about a funny misunderstanding or some embarrassing moment. It makes us all so human. So…it’s confessing time: what was your funniest misunderstanding or embarrassing moment?

I do a lot of crazy things, so much so that I'm not really embarrassed by too much anymore. I think the most embarrassing thing I did lately was at a meeting with the dean of health I was wearing a green bra with a light yellow shirt. At home you couldn't really see through the shirt, but once I got under the fluorosent lights you could defintly tell the difference.

3) You work in the medical sector, partly an operating job in a hospital (I don’t know exactly what) and partly teaching. What is the most rewarding and the most challenging in those jobs?

The most rewarding part of being an x-ray technologist in the hospital is the patients. I don't get to work in the hospital that much and miss the interaction with patients. It's nice to feel like you have made a difference in a patients day or that you have had a good interaction with a patient. The most rewarding part of being a teacher is the students. It's nice to see them come from knowing very little about x-rays to being experts at it and being a part of the little world we are part of. The most challenging part of working in the hospital is that it is very physcially demanding. The most challenging part of being an instructor is the politics.

4) How did you meet your husband?

It is kind of a boring story. We met through a mutual friend. Although our first date was fun, we went skiing.

5) What’s the furthest place you’ve traveled? What was your impression of that place?

The furthest place I've traveled is Rome. I loved it. I loved the history and the food. I could leave the crazy drivers out, but everything else about it was amazing.

6) what is a habit you should try to get rid off?

Lateness, it's already my new years resolution. To plan ahead better and make proper commitments so I'm not late.

Thanks Goofball for the questions. If you want me to interview you let me know? Any other things you want to know about me?

Till Tomorrow


Interview Questions

One of the fun things about blogging is that I have have met lots of fun people and a part of every evening is to check what all my "bloggin" friends have written about. Goofball had someone ask her questions and offered to do it for any of her readers. I thought it would be interesting to see what people wanted to know about me, so here are her questions. If anyone else has any questions please ask in comments. If you want me to interview you, also let me know in comments with your e-mail and I'll send you interview questions.

So here are mine:

I see that you sometimes refer to yourself as “curly jenn”… do you have nicknames or do some of your friends or relatives have funny nicknames and what is the story behind it?

I don't really have a nickname. For certain things I do refer to myself as CurlyJenn, it probably started with my gmail account, becuase my very common name was taken. I have curly hair, so that is where the curly jenn came from. I do use one other alias, so that people don't know my real name, like at Old Navy when they want your name to put on the change room or if a telemarketer is calling and that is Paige Robertson. I'd love to see if anyone can guess what that is from. I'll be sure to put it in my next post.

2) I always love it when other people post about a funny misunderstanding or some embarrassing moment. It makes us all so human.
So…it’s confessing time: what was your funniest misunderstanding or embarrassing moment?

I do a lot of crazy things, so much so that I'm not really embarrassed by too much anymore. I think the most embarrassing thing I did lately was at a meeting with the dean of health I was wearing a green bra with a light yellow shirt. At home you couldn't really see through the shirt, but once I got under the fluorosent lights you could defintly tell the difference.

3) You work in the medical sector, partly an operating job in a hospital (I don’t know exactly what
) and partly teaching. What is the most rewarding and the most challenging in those jobs?

The most rewarding part of being an x-ray technologist in the hospital is the patients. I don't get to work in the hospital that much and miss the interaction with patients. It's nice to feel like you have made a difference in a patients day or that you have had a good interaction with a patient. The most rewarding part of being a teacher is the students. It's nice to see them come from knowing very little about x-rays to being experts at it and being a part of the little world we are part of. The most challenging part of working in the hospital is that it is very physcially demanding. The most challenging part of being an instructor is the politics.

4) How did you meet your husband?

It is kind of a boring story. We met through a mutual friend. Although our first date was fun, we went skiing.

5) What’s the furthest place you’ve traveled?
What was your impression of that place?

The furthest place I've traveled is Rome. I loved it. I loved the history and the food. I could leave the crazy drivers out, but everything else about it was amazing.

6) what is a habit you should try to get rid off?

Lateness, it's already my new years resolution. To plan ahead better and make proper commitments so I'm not late.

Thanks Goofball for the questions. If you want me to interview you let me know? Any other things you want to know about me?

Till Tomorrow


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

5 piece set

Moving is a good time to get rid of a lot of things you don't use anymore. When packing (or putting things away) I'm always questioning am I going to use this again. Or when was the last time I used this? Or does this still go with my "decor"? One of the things that doesn't go with my decor is one of the first dishes I ever bought, but these dishes have such a great story I don't think we'll ever get rid of them until I die. Here's the story:

When I first moved out west, I didn't have a lot. All of my belongings fit in a suitcase and two boxes. But was working, so slowly I would buy more and more stuff for the apartment. I remember debating one weekend, go skiing or buy a microwave?? One evening I went out with a friend to Eaton's who was going out of business at the time. At the time everything was on clearance and you couldn't return it. I was looking for some new dishes and they had some on sale. I bought a Pfaltzgraff set in green and blue.

If I recall correctly it was about 45 dollars. On the front of the box it was quoted as a 5 piece set. Well I was quite surprised when I got home to find out that I only had bought 5 dishes. I thought a 5 piece set would be 5 bowls, 5 plates, 5 mugs and 5 side plates. I thought 25 dishes on clearance would be 45$, not 5 dishes. Plus I couldn't return them. The problem with just starting out was that we didn't have a lot of money. So I couldn't go out and buy matching sets. I use to make pasta in my one pot pour it in the bowl, put the plate of top and then cook the sauce in the same pot. It's amazing that in 8 years I have accumulated SO much more stuff.

So now with all our brown dishes we have one set of these blue and green ones, that I just cannot throw out....

Till Tomorrow


Sunday, November 18, 2007


Last night Lucas is talking about what he is scared of. His two biggest fears are:

Spiders and Puma's.

Can you tell he watches lots of Diego? For those of you who don't watch Diego, usually the puma or a hawk is what most of the animals are scared of. =)


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Monthly Newsletter- Month Twenty Seven

Dear Lucas,

Today you turn twenty seven months old. As these monthly birthday's pass we don't do anything special for them, except I am sure to write you this newsletter. This month has been quite good. Although some times I feel like we are in the terrible two's, most of the time I'm thinking this has been lots of fun. Even yesterday you suggested going to the zoo, becuase that's what you wanted not because it was what I suggested.

I also think you are quite well behaved. Of course you throw your temper tantrums like most 2 year olds do, but when we are out you are quite good to reason with. I don't have a problem letting you walk around the toy store, where I see many parents who won't let kids out of the cart. Not that I judge them, I may not let the next one out of the cart.. Where you get upset is usually at home and usually with wearing clothes. "I don't want to wear that shirt", or " I don't like those pajamas". But other then you wanting to wear Diego morning, noon and night, you are a great kid.

One of the things that seems to have developed more this month was your sense of humor. You quite enjoying laughing at yourself. Whether it getting the giggles in the tub because you farted and made lots of bubbles or coyly laughing at me when I peek at you in the morning. You are learning what is funny and how to be funny.

This month has had lots of changes in store for you. We moved from the old house to the new house. You have adapted surprisingly well. Not once have you asked to go back to the old house. I guess a big part of it is that we are finding all the toys we had packed up. It's like a mecca of new toys. Even the "baby" toys are fun for you. We spent and hour going through a box of them the other day. The other change we made with this house is your big boy bed. You have taken to it really well. Only one night have I found you in the middle of your floor rather then in your bed. I think you enjoy the extra space in the bed. I like it as well becuase I can lay in the bed with you, rather then on the hard floor.

One of my favorite things about you is your talking. You have a really great vocabulary. And when you are happy you love to talk. While we are driving around you talk about the "huge" scrapers or the "giant" cranes. We look for deers at night and concrete mixer in the day time. But all grandma's talking, rubbed off on me and has now rubbed off on you. We are a family of constant commentary.

love you pumkin


Friday, November 16, 2007

Fun Day Friday

Today when Lucas suggested we go and do my favorite Lucas activity I was all over it. Even though it was later then when we usually go, I'm almost always game for the zoo. I've said this 10 times on the blog before but man are we lucky to have a zoo in our city. Each time we go we see different animals up and moving around. Last time the squirrel monkey's we jumping around in the trees and playing with each other. This time they were huddled in packs sleeping. This time around we saw lions eating, hippos swimming and camels close up. But the best part was probably the baby elephant. It was adorable. I was really surprised at how small it was. I am really glad that Lucas has taken to all things animal. Maybe when he grows up he too will be an animal rescuer, like Diego.

The part that did not go too well was the throwing up. Since we went a little later we had to eat our lunch at the zoo. All the sudden Lucas burps and then starts to throw up everything he has eaten. Good thing my mommy/health care worker skills kicked in fast because I was back and forth bringing as many napkins as I could. In the end he was fine and once we had him cleaned up he ate another half of a hotdog... kids are certainly resilient...

Till Tomorrow


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ahh It's Back

This week our camera that we lost was on sale, so I went out and purchased another one. It feel so good to have our camera back. The blog will be littered with pictures again, becuase we have been missing lots of exciting things. Sunday I went shopping as I haven't bought any " house " stuff for ages, so here's a treat. We were at IKEA and I bought this mirror. It's a beautiful full length.

This is Lucas's big boy bed. The one he fell out of the other night. Also an IKEA purshase. His favorite part is the Diego sheets.

Here's Emma's favorite spot in the new house. Sitting on her dog bed at the front door looking out the window. Whenever we don't know where she is she's checking out the half action outside the front.

The lights over the island. They were not the ones we orginally picked out but they turned out great.

Yeah for pictures =)

Till Tomorrow


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Introducing #2

Last week we went for our 20 week ultrasound for this pregnancy. Here are some of the many pictures. It definitely made me more excited to meet this new little person. For those of you without ultrasound eyes, the body part is at the top of the picture.

Till Tomorrow


My Sister Will Appriciate This

Yesterday Lucas and I were out and about and I saw a little Toblerone bar. Both my sister and I are big fans. So I bought one and gave Lucas some. Lucas proclaimed from the backseat

"Look mom, chocolate pylons"

Such a boy.

Till Tomorrow


Monday, November 12, 2007

Good to the Bone

Our best friend family was over for dinner last night and we all had a really great time. The boys played down stairs in the basement, while the adults got to visit upstairs. Tammy and I had spent the afternoon shopping, but we still managed to have lots to talk about. I was reminded about this story concerning one of her children and since I should have these blogs forever and ever, I thought I'd write it in here.

It has become a tradition since Matt was a little kid that I would take him out before Christmas and help him buy his parents and brother christmas presents. We usually treat ourselves to MacDonalds first and then do some shopping. One of the first years he had a pretty good idea of what to get his dad but not so much what to get his mom. After stopping at the toy section to buy his yonger brother a toy piano and then heading over to the electronics section to get his Dad a 50$ video game, we wandered around the store looking for something for his mother. At one point he says to me, remember those flowers we saw, I want to get her those. So I start to walk to the front of the store where I figure the poinsetta's are. No, Matt corrects me, he wants to go back to the craft section. So we head to the back of the Walmart and there he picks out 88 cent flowers for his mother for Christmas. So his brother got a 20$ piano, his dad a 50$ video game and his mother 88 cent flowers. But he knew they would all love their gifts, and how much each of them cost didn't really matter.

Till Tomorrow


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rememberance Day

I personally had a great remembrance day. Although other then wearing my poppy I did not do too much to "remember". So I thought I'd reflect about it a little on the blog today. For my generation, war is kind of sensationalize on TV. We see stories of it in the news and hear the heartbreaking stories of really young men dying in places we cannot even imagine. But I really feel like I have very little knowledge of what it is really like. I'm sure I will learn more as I grow more, but for the moment I'm not really sure, other then the sensationalized story I get from TV what it is like.

Although there are some real people I know who lived through wars. First off my Pop, my dad's dad. He fought in the second world war. Although I don't know a lot of the stories of what it was like I do remember the black shrapnel he had in his hands. Looking at those hands, knowing they must have gone through a lot. The second person that is close to me is my Opa. Who was a young boy when the second world war was happening. He lived in Holland when this was happening and he has told a few stories of what it was like to live there. He talks about being so hungry he would jump into a big vat of soup and lick out the insides to try and find more to eat. Or laying down in boats so that the Nazi's couldn't find them. Crazy to live through such things as these....

Although Remembrance Day seems kind of far away from me, it doesn't remind me to be greatful for all the things we have, most importantly freedom.

Till Tomorrow


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Testing Testing

What, two posts in one day. Plus is this the blog I usually read.

I've been playing around this evening. Let me know what you think... still okay to read?


Bad Week

Sorry about the lack of posts it's been kind of a stressful week. I've worked more then normal, which I know is me being a baby, because I only work part time. But this week was almost full time. I don't know how so many of you mommies work 5 days a week. Thank god it is an extra long weekend.

I'm also torn about work. There have been a lot of negativity coming up and I'm finding it difficult to deal with. The good thing is 4 more months and then I'll have a year of maternity leave, which gives me quite a while to decide.

Lucas has also had a difficult week. I'm sure the move and the mommy working all the time has not helped either. But I'm feeling like a horrible mom. He is going through the terrible twos and it seems like he needs a good cry/tantrum every couple of days. And even though I have been working lots these crying fits still seemed to happen on my watch.

The good thing about a bad week is that it can only get better next week....

Till Tomorrow


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Big Boy Bed

One of the changes we decided to make was to put Lucas in a big boy bed when we moved into the new house. The new baby will eventually need the crib, so we thought this would be a good opportunity to move him. We got him some Diego sheets for the bed, which he loves. Last night went pretty good, no episodes of him falling out. But tonight when I got home from a meeting I went up to check him out he was laying in the bed with his body, but his legs were hanging out of the bed and supporting him on the floor. Looked pretty funny. The question is do you put kids back in their bed or let them figure it out on their own? What would you do?

Till Tomorrow


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

More Moving Details

I thought I should add some more details about our weekend and our new house. I was going to take a picture of Emma and her new favorite spot in the house, but I can't find the camera. Besides I haven't been taking many pictures since I lost my good camera. I did go to best buy today to see if it was on sale, but it was not....

Anyway there is a window beside the front door and Emma is almost always there. She loves to check the action outside the front door. There are quite a few things I love about this house. Although there are also things I don't like about the house. I love that the living room is bigger all of our furniture fits and looks like it belongs. I love the location. I love love the location. I get to see mountains out my window every day. Every day I take Emma out to pee and it's quiet. There are not alot of lights so you can see a million stars. During the day you can see the mountains on the horizon. We are close to a pond. I love the walkout basement, it's so bright down there and Lucas drives his cars around and around. I adore the kitchen. The island is lovely there is so much more space. I also love the walkthru pantry. Today I brought groceries from the garage right into the pantry.

But there are also some things that will take getting use to. The shower, which I am pretty picky about is not good. The bathroom is bigger then our old one and the shower stall is not as closed in. It looks great, but the hot air comes out of the shower stall quickly. It's not as warm as I"m use to. So we'll have to find a way to fix that..... Also I've never lived in a house with a front attached garage that sticks out so far. It's not good for my need to spy. Especially now that Emma is always looking out the front door. She "huffs" when she sees something. In the old house I could go to any window at the front of the house and see what was going on in the cul-de-sac, here I can only see a part of it, then the garage gets in the way.

The other thing I miss about the old house was that it was home. This is still the "new house", not yet home. In a year it will be better, but I do miss my old home..

Till Tomorrow


Monday, November 05, 2007


So obviously this posting everyday has not happened. We spent most of the weekend moving. Really I did not do a whole lot as pregnant people are not suppose to lift alot. But Darryl and his friends and my parents all moved us. Now I am living in a house of boxes and nothing familiar. I'm heading off to bed now but will post more tomorrow. Just wanted to update the NaBloPoMo.


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Baby Names

I personally think one of the hardest things about being pregnant is trying to chose a name for the new person coming into the world. With Lucas it took us forever to pick a name. We made lists nad lists and lists. We had about 3 names when I went into labor and Lucas wasn't even on the list 2 weeks prior.

Last night Darryl and I were taking about names in bed. I can tell it's going to be another long, drawn out decision. My sister suggested the name Ruby, which is good. Darryl figured out a couple of ways to make fun of it, so that name is off the list......

Yesterday I was at a meeting with a friend of mine that is 3 days more pregnant then I am. She already knows that the baby is a girl and they have given her a name. Holy Crap, I say.

It is National Blog Posting Month It is a "blog" thing, where people post everyday in the month of November. I usually post everyday but take the weekends off. So for the national posting month, I'll be posting some baby name polls and you can help through the long drawn out process.....

What about you was it easy to pick your kids names?

Till Tomorrow


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Snow is Melting

Yes literally the snow is melting, it snowed here last night and the snow outside is melting. With the help of Lucas and Emma playing in it.

But also figuratively. I made a new CD for the car last week and on it I put Landslide by the Dixie Chicks. One of the lines in that song is "Can I handle the seasons of my life" The past summer/fall has been very hard for my little family. The stress of the house, thinking about having to borrow money from my parents, was very hard for me. We were in a big pickle and I am the type of person that wants to get myself out of it and not depend on anyone else. Which I know can be a downfall, but just the way I am. Even though it was warm outside it was the winter of the year for me.

I guess the thing about life is that if there are not hard times. Times that make you cry and frustrated. Then the good times don't seem as good. Today has been great. It's probably just a plain old day, but with Lucas cold on the weekend and the stress we had been feeling this fall, it makes it seem so great. We snuggled in bed this morning, had pancakes for breakfast, played outside in the snow, tickled and made Lucas laugh. Then we headed out to Walmart and bought a 24 piece puzzle and Lucas loved it. We must have done it 5 times before nap time. Then when I said it was nap time, there were no objections or crying. Now I'm drinking tea and having an excellent chocolate bar.

I know the battle is not over with the house, there is still lots to do. But with a happy, healthy kid things seem manageable. Plus compared to trying to sell a house atleast I have control over all that needs to be done.

Till Tomorrow


Monday, October 29, 2007


Lucas and I went to a Halloween Party this year and they had a great alphabet toy. Lucas has been quite good with saying his ABC's but doesn't really know his letters yet, so I thought this would help.

Lucas's favorite part is the little red button that plays the whole ABC song. He plays it over and over and over again.

After listening to it for the 20th time. Darryl says "Well you know what they say about repetition" I say yeah, expecting his to come up with something brillant about how it's good for the brain. Instead he says " It is certainly annoying."

Ha, I do love my husband.

Till tomorrow


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pregnancy #2

Yesterday in my e-mail I got an update and it's my 17th week. 17 weeks already. Holy crap this pregnancy is going by fast. It's too bad becuase this may very well be the last time I'm pregnant (especially if it's up to Darryl, which is 1/2 is=). You want to savour every moment. I'll only live life once and this may be the last time I'm pregnant. In the future I'll get to live vicariously though others, but it's just not quite the same. So I thought I'd decidcate a bunch of posts to this pregnancy.

So far the the first 17 weeks have been easy compared with my last pregnancy. No throwing up, a little more tired then normal, but nothing horrible. I think one of the other things that is so different this time is that I already have someone to take care of, so that comibined with feeling well, it's easy to forget I'm pregnant. My belly did get bigger much faster this time, therefore I started wearing maternity clothes much faster. I've also been felling kicks for a couple of weeks as well, which is much sooner then last time.

Allie asked a couple of questions in a previous post. Had we told Lucas. We have told him recently, so that he will be more cautious of "mommy's belly" but he really doesn't get it. The other day we were on the swings and he told me Lucas had a baby in his belly. A couple days after that he told me I had a baby jaguar in my belly (after his new favorite character Diego, best buddy).

One of the other questions everyone wants to know is if we are going to find out the sex. Darryl and I haven't really decided. With Lucas we didn't find out. Although I "looked" like I was having a boy, at least that's what everyone told me. I had prepared myself for having a boy, becuase (sorry Lucas) but I REALLY wanted a girl. Now that I have gone through the experience, I love having a boy now and think I may even want another one. Teenage girls seem so hard. I think it would be nice for Lucas to have a brother, they may have more in common then a sister. But part of me would still love a girl, so whatever comes will be just fine. So the question still remains, do we find out or not? What do you think, what did you do, were you glad?

Till Tomorrow


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Past Time

Thanks to Goofball for this great way to waste time and donate rice to people who really need it. It's totally up my alley. Learning and helping the world. What could be better. Besides it amazing how the brain takes words and uses my French and medical skills to try to figure it out. Cool!

I have a sick child, he has a wicked cough and a fever, so I have watched hours and hours of Diego today. Nothing of any intelligence to write other then maybe a few Spanish words I have learned.

Till Tomorrow


Monday, October 22, 2007

Voicemail or E-Mail: What do you prefer

Darryl and I were having a conversation about communication and the generations. Like I have somewhat eluded to on this website we have been dealing with a company and one of the people there needs a list of "rules" when it comes to e-mail. Darryl and I both prefer to use e-mail, you can answer it when you like, reference in the future. Many people refer to it as a generational thing. I am a "millennial" and so sometimes we have trouble communicating with X'ers or Boomers. I am also below thirty which this article makes reference to so that may be part of it as well.

For this person that we have been dealing with who doesn't use e-mail often here is my e-mail rules. I would love to send it to him, but that would be a little preumpustious. With the rules: do you agree or am I crazy, any extra I should add?

1. E-mail should be short and to the point. I even have trouble with the "small chat" that usually becomes at the beginning of a conversation. When I write e-mails I like to give the direct information not, hi how are you, how's your day...

2. If your e-mail is going to be longer then 2 paragraphs then call me instead it will be fast for both of us. Most people in my generation don't mind talking on the phone we just want to do what is fastest. Unless of course you are sending it to more then one person, then e-mail is still the best.

3. If your e-mail is going to be lengthy, but it still is the most time efficient, be sure it's easy to read: use bullets, paragraphs etc.

4. I agree with the article if I get someone's voice mail. I'll hang up and send them an e-mail instead.

5. Use spell and grammar check. Which I'm sure my mother is groaning about right now, and even though I'm not perfect at it, I still try. Unless you are sending from a blackberry be sure to capitalize what needs to be. If you are not using Firefox 2.0 it is the greatest for spell check.

What about you, any other rules?

Till tomorrow


Friday, October 19, 2007

Opinions: Need Some, Giving Some

So I'm looking for some help and would like to let you know about a couple of new great things.

First I would love to know people's opionions on financial advisors. Who do you invest with? Your bank, Edwards Jones, Fidelity Investments, Investors Group? Do you have any opionions about any of these? Most of the blogging financial websites I've found say to invest yourself, but I need someone nagging me to invest, I'm just not sure who to chose........ I would love to hear what everyone else does? We were thinking about going with Investors Group, but have run into someone who we didn't like, so I'm not sure what to do?

So now that I have solicted some advice from you here are a couple of things I ran into today that I love. First off this game. A neighboor bought it for Lucas and we have bought it for some else as well, but there are very few board games for toddlers and preschoolers that is not some sort of memory game. This game is great for learning shapes, ABC's, colors etc. Love it!

The second thing that I really like today was Bake Bread at Home. We bought ours from Superstore and it was delicious! Made the house smell great, had great taste and good crusty crust. =)

Enjoy your weekend.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Good News

The house is sold. We won't lose the new house. Yeah!! Even though I've gained 5 pounds I feel 50 pounds lighter. YEAH!!

Till Tomorrow


PS I love the Office

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Monthly Newsletter: Month Twenty Six

Dear Lucas,

As I write this letter I am quite frustrated with all of the non-sense you have put me through in the last couple of days. You are definitely going through a stage where you are having trouble showing your emtions or your testing boundaries or something, but you will get so mad and scream and cry about the craziest things. Especially pajamas. You have this favorite pair of pajamas but if they are dirty or you've just worn them for nights and nights before and I don't let you wear them you scream and cry. As a parent I'm not sure what the right thing is to do. I don't really care if you wear dirty pajamas to bed, but I also know I need to set boundaries for you and that you can't always get your way. Someday as you grow up and you read these letters, especially if you ever become a parent you may get a glimpse of what I'm talking about. It's hard to be a parent. It's hard to know what the right thing is to do. It's hard to listen to your kid scream and cry over something you consider stupid, but know if you give in they'll do it again and again.

As I'm sure your life is and will be and my life is and will be and most everyone's life is and will be is a set of stages. Stages where we learn things and grow. Stages where we go through hard times and then good times again. I guess if we didn't have the hard times we wouldn't appriciate the good times as much.

Other then the last couple of days the month has been excellent. Even in the last couple of days most of the time you are superb and so much fun to be around, just a hard stage for my parenting skills. You still laugh alot and are a super happy kid. You have learned to love playing hide and seek. Although it is always Daddy or I who are hiding and you are seeking. But you'll find us, shriek with delight and say " Mommy hide again".

Your singing continues: Twinkle, Twinkle, Einsy Winsy Spider and Row your boat are old favorites now. You are attempting to master your ABC's, but cannot get the last words out although Dad is so proud you say Z the Canadian way. And LMNO P does sound like animal pee. But you continue to impress me with your smarts.

Our biggest adventure this month was probably your weekend spent with Grandma while Daddy and I jetted off to NYC. From what I hear you were well behaved. I was a good mommy and only called once. During the phone call you were showing me some of the new toys you got from Grandma and Pop and would say "look it, mom, look it." Which made all of us laugh very hard because you don't quite understand the phone concept yet. On that trip Daddy and I also lost our camera that's why we don't have alot of pictures to post in this newsletter.

Although I so enjoyed our trip it was so nice to come home to you and hear your voice. I forgot how it sounds so quickly. But it was the sweetest noise ever. So while we wait for a new camera it's going to be video bonanza's.

love you


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Eating for Two

I got this in my e-mail today and thank god!

My Pregnancy This Week

Hello, Jennifer !

At 4 1/2 inches long (head to bottom) and 3 1/2 ounces, your baby is about the size of an avocado. In the next three weeks, she'll go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling her weight and adding inches to her length. The patterning of her scalp has begun, though her hair isn't recognizable yet. Although closed, her eyes are moving (slowly), and she's even started growing toenails. Her fingernails and toenails will continue to grow, so don't be surprised if she needs them trimmed soon after birth.

Thank God becuase this is what I ate yesterday:

1 cinnamon raison bagel for breakfast, apple juice
Lunch: pork chop, 1/2 potato, 1/2 c. carrots, 1/2 c. beans., coke
Post Lunch snack: 3 ( I repeat 3) sandwichs
Dinner: 1 piece of pizza, milk
Dessert: 1 yougourt
Pre bed snack: a huge bowl of chocolate crackle ice cream with raspberries and half a bag of chips with gingerale

Thank god I'm eating for 2 or I'd be a pig, or maybe I'm both.

Till Tomorrow
