Well last night mom and dad were over for dinner. Darryl came home for a quick bite to eat, and to help us finish off the pies and then was off to a hockey game. Where the Calgary Flaems lost in the shoot-out 2-1. Mom and Dadcame over for dinner and to give me a break from taking care of Lucas. During that time they were teaching him new things. Things I would have never thought of. It really made me realize that although Luke is crazy about me it is important for him to be around others. That he learns new things from other people. For me that is another reason to have Lucas go to daycare some of the time. He will learn alot (I'm sure both good and bad) from the other children and the adult taking care of them. I want him to be exposed to lots of different people. I will just have to learn how talk to him about what behaviour is acceptable and what is not. Ahh parenting, it's going to be a barrel of monkeys.

A side benefit to blogging, it's keep up my typing skills.
You may have seen in the comments from yesterday Mo telling me about his eliptical. Now that I'm not nursing as much I need to be more concious of exercising and what I eat. My days of eating cheesecake without guilt are coming to an end. If anyone saw Desperate Housewives a couple weeks ago, I am starting to relate to the women who was breast feeding her 5 year old to stay thin. Not that I'm thinking of doing that but I can sympathize. I am thinking of getting some sort of exercise machine to do in the evenings once Lucas is down. If anyone knows of anything great please let me know.
Till Tommorrow
Hi Jenn,
We bought an "entry level" elliptical machine and stopped using it because it was SOOOO noisy. It used to clank and bang and had quite a loud hum from the magnetic resistance, plus it was horrible for Ian's legs. His legs and knees would be sore for days after using it.
Now this is going to sound as corny as it comes but we've since purchased Tony Little's Gazelle Freestyle and we love it. It's very quiet and very stable. It has a user weight load of 300lbs. Now thankfully none of us weigh that much but it's nice to know how strong it is. Ian's able to get a great cardio workout for almost an hour on the machine. He can feel the workout in his leg muscles but it doesn't cripple him like the other machine did. Kenzie and I really like it, too. There's an alternate standing position which allows you to do a great job on your inner and outer thighs! Anyhow, we got it at Walmart for $200 and I'd buy another one in a heartbeat.
Whatever you choose, have fun shopping!
we purchased an exercise unit from the stupid store (super) the other evening. It is one of those tilting sliders. They only had 2 left and the price was great - 65. Now it is not the chuck Norris one but I tried it in the store and I think it works fine. You are welcome to come over and try it. They did have one left on display.
Do you know what Lucas was looking at insie my shirt?
It was the design on my mexico tee shirt
very colourful I guess.
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