Well it's offical Lucs has his first cold. We are certainly fortunate enough that it has been 8 months and this is only our first cold. It is hard as an adult to have a cold, but it must be even worse for a kid. Especially a kid who doesn't know how to blow. So here I am every 5 minutes wiping up the snotty nose. Plus we can't really go anywhere or do anything becuase of this cold. Although we did go to Walmart today for some kleenex with lotion and baby dimetapp. Luke still doesn't really like the kleenex with lotion. His nose can get quite red too. Poor little guy. The worst is in the morning when the snot is caked all over his face. Then I have to use hot towels to get it off. It's hard for him to fall asleep as well becuase he's use to having the soother to fall asleep, but now he's so stuffed up he needs to breathe through his mouth.

The good news is that he is still in high spirts. Execpt when I am attacking him with the booger sucker or a kleenex with lotion. Today just before nap time we were reading one of our favorite blogs
http://www.dooce.com/archives/daily/04_24_2006.html Today's blog has a video of there little daughter singing a version of Twinkle Twinkle Little star. It is adorable. I was watching it with Luke in the chair with me and he was mesmorized with it. He would smile at her and look at me when it was over so I'd play it again. I'm sure he was thinking:
Finally someone who speaks my language.
Till Tommorrow
PS Luce and Vlado I'm not sure of your e-mail but I heard you read the blog. We had your wine last night and it was delicious. Thank you very much. I look forward to trying more of it and introducing you to Luke in the summer.
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