Two steps forward, two steps back eh? Lucas has been incredible for his naps and really incredible demeanor in general. Well the last two naps and going to bed last night habe been a bit more of a struggle. Although as I'm writing this he has quieted right down. K guess I spoke too soon. He has also not been great with his foods, so I'm wondering if some teeth are coming in and it's just a general unhappiness. That is the the thing with babies, it's so hard to know what's wrong becuase they just can't tell you. With that in mind....
This afternoon we went to a "Sign and Sign" class. It was alot of fun. I had almost forgetten about it till mom reminded me yesterday. We learned tons of signs today, so I'm going to start implementing some of them and teaching them to Darryl. The teacher for it was really great and there was lots of play and repitition which is fun for babies and helpful for parents. I'm hoping that we are going to learn lots and that Lucas will be able to communicate with his world sooner.

Lucas and I did have a ball yesterday. We played and played with the guitar. He seemed to really like it and I just let him pluck the strings. He not to happy when I do it loudly but he quite enjoys making music. He played with it laying down and upright. That is something I hope he enjoys in his lifetime- music. He doesn't have to play an instrument or be a prodigy but I do hope he likes it.

He is also still working on getting mobile. Rolling is his method of choice at the moment. Yesterday he rolled from the living room all the way down the hallway. Not really crawling yet, just rolling. He's also into a new thing this week where he lifts his legs and then bangs them on the floor. He always seems quite proud when this happens, but I'm sure it's becuae I give him a response to it.
Till Tommorrow (and it will be Friday already)
Cute pictures. Reminds me of the dead horse pose. This rolling could be the lead up to crawling you know. Look out mom here he comes.
I enjoyed his interaction with Emma yesterday. That was cute and Emma was incredible on how patient she was with him. I definitely think they have a bond there. It will be really cute, once Lucas can play fetch with Emma.
Love to all,
You have an absolute gift for taking the cutest candid pictures! I absolutely loved the one with the oranges the other day and today's picture of Lucas with his legs in the air is absolutely hilarious when it's combined with your commentary!
We LOVE it!
Lori, Mackenzie and Ian
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