One of the recent trends in babies and child rearing is teaching your children sign language. As a person who likes to jump on band wagons (for example after the Calgary Flames were in the playoffs all of the sudden I've become someone who watchs hockey on Saturaday nights) we have decided to take a sign language class.
I love this class. Alot of the other baby class I have taken have been here's a class for the mom and try to entertain your baby at the same time. I was expecting the same thing from this class. The instructor will teach us signs while we try to amuse our babies and we'll pick up half of what we should. Well this class is so much better then that. There is lots of signing and playing with the babies and then the instructor introduces signs while playing. For examples she brings out lots of bears and we play with them and learn the signs for bears. Then we sign a song about bears. Next is balls, next is a snack. It is a really great class and I'm hoping Lucas will have an easier time communicting with me when he can do these signs. It should take him a month or two but hopefully he'll get it. Darryl and I just have to be consistent with using them. Here is a pic of Lucas with his friend playing at the sign language class.

We are still having trouble with Lucas and not wanting to go to bed for the night. Tonight we'll try to keep him up until 8pm and see if that helps. Once he falls asleep he is down for the night. Which I am very grateful about especially when talking to other moms. I've also put him down a little later for his afternoon nap so we'll see if that can help sustain him better in the evening.
Till Tommorrow
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