Well now we are over 100 posts. I hope you all have enjoyed my new venture. And as Lori said in her last comments. Long Live the Blog.

Mark, who is a fiancee of a friend of mine also has a blog.
http://theesh.blogspot.com/. He was discussing his dogs, which are two Jack Russel Terriers. It is obvious he loves his dogs and is a dog person, becuase he was listing why dogs are better then cats. As many of you know I have both dogs and cats. Both are wonderful animals with there own great qualities, but if I had to choose which is better I would side with Mark and say dogs. (Sorry TIgger and Torin)

Cats do have there good qualites and can be the perfect pet depending on your lifestyle. If you like to travel alot it is much easier to get someone to watch your cat rather then your dog. There's also less of a chance you will get a stupid cat. Granted some are more friendly then others, but I have never met a stupid cat, whereas I have met lots of stupid dogs. Cats also purr, which was something that took me a long time to get use to with Emma. For sure cats are happy when they are purring. Dogs don't have an easily readable sign. I guess wagging your tail, but they don't do that when you are scratching them.

Now that I've had a dog, I would have to say that dogs take the cake. Although they can be a lot more work, you get a lot more reward from them. The cat doesn't coming running to the door when I come home, whole bum a wagging. Emma will come whenever called. If I'm crying Ems will lick the tears off my face. She stay with me as long as I want her to. I may be partial because I have a great dog, but I do think most dog owners would have traits they just love about there dog. Probably my favorite thing about the dog is that it requires me to get outside everyday. To do things that are good for my heart and my life.
Another upadte on Luke tommorrow, I have to go wake him.
Till Tommorrow
Jenn (a person who hopes to never live without pets)
What you fail to mention is the main problem you can have with a dog. THE BARK! Perhaps one day you will hear the yappiest dog on the plannet that lives 2 doors from us and thinks that any property within it's eyesight belongs to it. Remove the vocal cords and you would have a great pet.
Oh the dangers will fly now.
Dogs are my favorate too. I am unfortunately allergic to cats. I'm sure they are wonderful as well though.
But you are right about one thing, dogs will get you out of the house for that exercise and fresh air! I love my dogs for it!
I will never live without pets either. Ever! Pets enrich your lives so much -- cats or dogs. Now, I prefer cats. But, I think one of each would be great. You get the best of both worlds. :)
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