Well Lucas has learned to love the park, which is of great joy to Emma. Usually by the time we are leaving the park Emma is exhausted. Lucas likes to stand at the slide and play with the rocks. When he first started to do it I hated the noise. It was like nails on a chalkboard. Of course he loved playing with the rocks. And it is one of the places where he will pull himself from a sitting to a standing position. Just to see those rocks on the slide. Amazingly enough he has not ingested any rocks, although attempted to once. I don't think he was to fond of their taste or hardness. So he has only tried once. Usually he just likes to make his hands really dusty with them.

Till Tommorrow

I seem to recall that you had to be pushed on a swing a lot too
perhaps it's genetic
I'm glad Lucas loves the swings. Some people would say that swings are one of the simple pleasures in life.
Apparently I used to like the swings when I was little but somewhere around the age of 4 I was leaning over a swing and managed to get my lips stuck to some ice on it. I panicked and ripped some skin off my lips. It was VERY painful and bled alot. I know it's neurotic (because I wasn't swinging during the accident) but I've been petrified of swings ever since.
Come to think of it, I did a bunch of bizarre things when I was a kid. They say it's the quiet ones you have to worry about! As they come to me I'll tell you about some of the other goofy things I did when I was little (any maybe some that Darryl did, too)!
Love ya,
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