Well the time change has managed to give us a bit of trouble. Atleast more trouble then last time. We are slowly adjusting and I have to depend on watching Lucas and knowing his signs more then watching the clock. Today the naps have been at the normal times so maybe bedtime will be closer to 7:30 rather then 8pm. Darryl is off to a hockey game tonight, so I think it will just be meto put him to bed.
So poop is now coming fast and furious. K maybe that's a bit of an overexaration but now that he eats more solid food then liquids he is pooping way more. The poops are also become more like adult poops rather then baby poops. Anyone out there who has kids knows exactly what I'm talking about. I guess these are all good signs. All I know is whenever I call Health Link they always ask about pee and poopy diapers so along as he still going we must be good.
The Junos were on last night which reminded me to two distinct things. First off is when Darryl, Lexie and I went to the Junos a couple of years ago when they were in Edmonton. It was alot of fun. We drove up for the day, watched people arriving on the red carpet, saw Alanis Morrisette host the show and saw lots of my favorite artisits. Barenaked Ladies, Sarah McLachlan, Micheal Buble, Alanis, Nelly Furtado. It was a very good show.

The other thing that the Junos reminded me of last night was a good friend of mine Alex Neaves. Alex always liked Bryan Adams, we (Susie, Riisa and I) would often tease him about it. At the time I guess Bryan Adams was not very cool. Although now I am quite a fan. Bryan Adams was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame last night by a very funny Chris Martin. My friend Alex is getting married this weekend. Part of me can't quite believe it. He is my first highschool friend to get married. Congradulations Alex, you will love being married. It is great. I hope your day is one you will remember always and I will be thinking of you on Saturday.
Till Tommorrow
1 comment:
The elliptical is great! I definitely like being able to work out from home.
We found ours at Sears for a pretty good price just after boxing day. The one thing I don't really like about ours is that it requires 4 D sized batteries. I think if we could have found one that plugged into the wall I would have preferred that.
Besides that it works great for want I want out of it.
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