Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Maybe I Am Ready......

So today has been a bit of a crazy day. Last night we had more trouble with putting Lucas down for his nap. So we finally got him to sleep at 9pmish. That is the second night in a row and I'm sure 5 out of the last 7 nights. I am feeling very frustrated with it all and not sure what to do. He is still cranky during the day, which would indicate to me he still needs both his day time naps. Especially in the morning, which is the nap they are suppose to give up. But is he getting too much daytime sleep, which is not making him tired at night. Oh what to do....... Last night I was so upset. If we try to stay in his room and help him fall asleep it becomes a big game. He's laughing and gets further from his sleepy state. If we leave the room he cries and cries. Which Darryl and I hate and it makes him hot. But crying seems to tire him out easier. Ahh parenting is hard. His lack of sleep last night has made him a bear to deal with today.

I've also been itching to get a bigger back yard. Ours is tiny and once we put in a garage it will be even smaller. The rationale part of me knows I don't need a bigger yard, that the one we have is fine and there are lots of open spaces and parks in the neighboorhood we can use. Plus if we stay in this house we will have no mrotgage in 15 years! That would be wonderful. But house prices in Calgary continue to rise. And I'd like a bigger lot. Who knows what the right thing is to do... of course I've been fretting about this all day. Looking online at houses e-mailing builders.

I guess the morale of the story is maybe I am ready to go back to work. Today although it has been a pain tells me I need something again in my life. I'm looking for projects (house) and my son and I are driving each other crazy. Having the students and there problems may just be the project I am looking for......

Till Tommorrow



Anonymous said...

Ahhh...what to do, what to do?! You've discovered the worst thing about being a grown up...there are countless hard decisions and there's no way to peek into the future to see which fork in the road will take you to the best place. When I'm perplexed like that I do two things...research as much as possible so I can make an informed choice and then wait for a while so my anxiety and impatience can subside leaving room to make the decision with a level head. Good luck.

As for Lucas's sleeping...I think you and Darryl already know I'm a HUGE believer in tough love at bedtime. You might spend hours each night, for the first several nights letting him cry but eventually he will discover that bedtime is not negotiable and he can entertain himself in his crib and then fall asleep when he's ready. I used to follow this method...let the baby cry for 7 or 8 minutes. It's long enough for them to have a chance to calm down (if they're going to) and not usually long enough for them to get beyond the point of no return. If still crying after 8 minutes, go into the room (with the lights still off) and give little hugs, kisses and cuddles for a minute (without picking the baby up). Then repeat whatever routine you have such as handing over a soother, a favourite stuffed toy and winding the music box back up. Say good night and leave the room again. You might have to repeat the process 10 times for the first few nights but I can almost guarantee within a week you'll be all set. We also used to provide Mac with different music or noise (like a tape of the vacuum or TV) so she was always able to sleep in a noisy environment. It will be several torturous, agonizing nights but it definitely works. I've spent evenings at Kim's house doing the same thing with Chase, too.

One other thing, Mackenzie has always needed a TON of sleep. She had 2 naps until she was almost 3 and was heartbroken in kindergarten when they stopped letting them have afternoon naps. If Lucas is cranky during the day, perhaps he still needs 2 naps but you can always wake him after 45 minutes. You can also let him wake on his own but push his evening bedtime back a bit. Since he's older and more active now, the daylight that lasts long into the evening in Calgary may be causing him to want to stay up a bit later.'ll all figure it out!

Love always,

Lesley said...

Well, I think once Lucas has settled into his dayhome routine you will find that he may be easier to put down at night time. It's happened for all the babies I've had. I don't know if it's keeping up to the other children all day or just the change in stimulation but we can hope for the best. Although 2 of the 3 year old boys can barely stay awake until after dinner sometimes...I have no such luck with my own 3 year old though!? Alex quit naptime altogether by the time he was 16 months old and started a 7 PM to 7 AM bedtime regime which lasted until he was about 30 months old. Hopefully Lucas will find his niche soon enough for you.

Anonymous said...

It may also be the heat that is making it a challenge for him to fall asleep, I know that it makes it hard for me.

Anonymous said...

well you now know you are not dealing with a machine but a little man with a developing personality. And these are the years where you teach him what is right and wrong - so very important years.
Trust your instincts. Your heart tells you when you need to be tough and when to open your arms. A good back rub always worked for my children. Yes it takes some time. Rub until they are snoring. Gradually lighten your touch as time marches on. If they try to get up your hand is there to reasure them that it is bed time and to lay back down. Don't let them play. Of course our children liked to sleep on their stomachs. This is easier when they are in a bed and not a crib.
When it is hot something like baby powder,I think, will make the skin dry for a back rub.
I preferred this to the crying.
It shows them you love them and is a great way for them to go to sleep.
but what do I know
I'm just a man lol