Friday, July 21, 2006

For Brian

Animals in Alberta

Mom and Dad took these pictures on the way to Jasper.

Till Later



Anonymous said...

Once more Ontarionite checks in!

We've been on holidays at my girlfriend Kim's trailer in Bayfield, Ontario. Now I know that the Calgarian's are "outdoorsy", I believe "granolas" was the term Jenn taught me when I was there in November but I don't want you to be too impressed with the thought that the Campbells were "camping". This was a double-wide trailer with central air and satellite TV! Anyhow, this campground has been set up in a pine forest and it's the most tranquil place. We had such a wonderful time! We didn't see any rams but we did see a mother deer and her baby, tons of baby cows and miniature horses, some fish, frogs, a big fat toad, a blue heron and 2 of the biggest longhorn cattle I've ever seen! I wish we could stay all summer! We got back last night and the first thing I'm catching up on today is of course...THE BLOG! (I missed it!)
I thoroughly enjoyed the 11 month newsletter! I wish you weren't so far away so we could experience all of Lucas's developments but I do feel a part of it thanks to the blog. We'll look forward to the birthday web-conference at Grammy's house in August!
Jenn, Darryl...any ideas what Lucas might like for his birthday???

Talk to you again soon...


Anonymous said...

Brian was impressed with the pictures, but says he will have to see it to believe it, as they can do anything with photography now a days.
Lynda says, I'm a believer. Great shots, and I know these animals are truly Albertans, as I recognize the country.