Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Sigh of Relief

Well no post yesterday as we were hanging out at the hospital for most of the afternoon and evening. The good news is that Dad's surgery was yesterday and it went well. We were able to see him at about 5pm yesterday and stayed till 8ish. His nose is looking very swollen and he was still bleeding from it. We did not get a chance to talk directly to the surgeon but heard that the surgery went well and they got all of the tumor. It was great that we were all there for him. Mom could rub his feet, Lexie could hold his hand and I kept dabbing his mouth with water. It's funny how when you haven't had anything by mouth how water just tastes so good.

It was good to be with them all again. I have a great family with a wicked sense of humor. At one point Lexie made Dad laugh and blood came projetiling out of his nose. It was gross but only made us laugh more. I think we were also feeling quite giddy becuase of the lack of food.

After the hospital we headed to Auntie Karen's for a great meal. I was so hungry that I ate like a pig. But it was good and she had wine and fresh bread. Ummmmmm.....

My great husband took care of Luke all day. It so good that I can depend on Darryl. Not all husbands would step up the way Darryl does. Yeah Darryl!!

Lucas did sleep through the night on Friday, but not last night. I hadn't seen him all day so I was very full and uncomfortable so I was happy to feed him. I think he may be a little under the weather today. Pooping lots so he has a diaper rash. But he's napping now so hopefully that will help.

Till Tommorrow


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're thrilled to hear that George's surgery went well. We've been thinking about him a lot. It sounds like your family is like Ian's. Humour has always gotten his family through any crisis, whether it's illness, injury, heart attacks, funerals, money troubles, you name it! No matter how horrible or uncomfortable the situation is, if you can maintain your sense of humour, you'll always come out on top!

Love to all of you!