Saturday, March 04, 2006

Apples and Bananas (Kids song)

Well last night we had to let Lucas cry it out again. He put himself to sleep after about half and hour. Hopefully tonight will be better. Nap was good this morning so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

He is working on talking. He loves to make lots of noises with his mouth. He is sitting here n his jumperoo thing beside me. He is also laughing more freely. Although I can't figure out his humor at all. Yesterday I was waring these pants made of a parachute type material. I was sitting on the floor and bouncing my legs. He would laugh at the noise those pants made. He is also starting to pay more attention to the TV. I think he recognizes Oprah. He usually smiles when she comes on the TV.

So after 5ish phone calls with Tammy this morning, Pat (her husband) suggested we move in together. =) It's so great to have a best friend. I feel so lucky to have her and her family in my life. Yeah!

I started this new thing. It's a stock exchange for hollywood all completly fake. It's playing the stock market but you buy movies or famous people. I know I have too much time on my hands. But hopefully this will teach me something.....

Till Tommorrow


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