Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Laughing and Crying

Laughing and crying are so close to each other in emtions. Sometimes I'm not sure if Lucas is laughing or crying. Sometimes he starts off laughing and that turns to crying or vice versa. Today he was crying in his crib when he went down for his afternoon nap I picked him up to soothe him and he starts laughing. Or a couple nights ago at dinner I was shaking his hand to make him laugh and one time when I did it he just started to cry. Amazing how close those emtions are!

Today we had a bunch of moms over for un Usborne Book party. It's so cute to see a bunch of little bodies all playing together. They don't really "play" more so look at books beside each other and chew on the same toys. But it is still very cute. Plus I think everyone got some great books.

Dad comes home from the hospital today. Yipee!! It will be nice to not have to drive up to the Foothills to see him. Mom will be happy to. It will be way less driving. Now she can take care of her husband in her own house.

Oh also Lucas was crying and put himself back to sleep last night. Yeah! It's nice to feel as though we are making progress. Even if it's two steps forward and one step back.

Till Tommorrow


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you again how much I absolutely LOVE your blog! I read it almost every day and I look forward to seeing all of the pictures and hearing about all of the great things that Lucas is up to! I have a new picture of Lucas set on my computer desktop every couple of days...he is the talk of the office! Plus, it's almost become a little competition between Mom and I to see who can stay the most up to date with the blog! Thanks again for providing this for all of us. Despite being so far away, it's great to feel like I'm not missing out on anything.

Love ya!

P.S. I'll get Mom set up on Pando within the next few days so you can start sending her Lucas's videos.