Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Didn't Leave Nobody But the Baby- Allison Krause

Ahhhh, my floors are clean again. Darryl had just moped them last week, but with the dogs running in an out they got dirty fast, but ahhhh they are clean again. Someday when we get hard wood we are getting a darker color. (for anyone who has not seen our lino it's white)

Well Matt and Shaun are back home and their adventure is over. I think they enjoyed themselves and it was good for Darryl and I to see how well we worked together. Plus it reinfores what a good dad Darryl is and will continue to be once Lucas gets older. Darryl is a great teacher and will enjoy sharing his knowledge with his children.

Well Luke was up once in the night last night. But I'm not going to fret about it. I'm sure there will come a point when he sleeps through. Today he was lying on the floor on his tummy and kept pushing himself backwards. So he is starting to get a little more mobile. Nothing that I am panicked about yet. Also when after I had fed him lunch I started ohhh and ahhing at him, he was laughing and laughing. It was the best!

Anyway I"m headed off for some tea and relaxation.

Till Tommorroww


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