Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Gotta Love a Long Weekend

Well this is my 5th day off! I love it. I'm loving long weekends, because my schedules works so well to extend my long weekend. Although Lucas was sick yesterday and continues to be sick today. Poor little guy. It's kind of the same thing as last time. I"m not 100% sure what's wrong. He's got a fever and a bit of a stuffy nose. But very lethargic and doesn't really feel like eating. When he does eat, it seems to perk him up a little.

We did have a lovely long weekend. Darryl's 30th birthday party was on Saturday night. It was fun to hang out with other people. I do love all my regular friends but it's interesting to hang out with people who are outside of the mommy or x-ray world. I think we may have scared Allison and Mo, as they are preparing for their first child. There was lots of baby and labor talk. Hopefully it wasn't over the top and they did take some good things away from it. Hopefully they didn't go home and cry. =)

Later that night Alexis and I went out to see The Devil Wears Prada. Going out to a movie at 10:30, is not something I ever really do, so I did feel young again. The movie it self was so different from the book. The premise was the same. Ugly girl wit h no fashion gets a job at a fashion magazine with a very difficult boss. But other then that there were very few similarites. If anyone has seen this movie I would love to hear your comments on this.

The rest of the weekend was spent looking at show homes for decorating ideas and spending time with Lexie, who was in town for the weekend.

A new accomplishment of Lucas is that he is getting great at climbing things. We bought him this little tykes climber and in a week or two he has already learned to climb it. This has lead to climbing other things, like the hearth on the fireplace. Trying to lift his leg to get out of the tub. Trying to climb on the coffee table. etc. The good thing is that along with the climbing he has also learned to back down off of things. I'm glad these two things came at around the same time.

Till Tommorrow


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn,

Mackenzie and I saw The Devil Wears Prada a couple of months ago when it first came out. You know my kid...the little diva in training, she was desperate to see this movie. We thought it was a fun but fairly predictable chick flick. We enjoyed the actors that were cast in the film and Mackenzie soaked up all of the fashion information that she could while we watched it.

Neither of us has read the book so I have no idea how it compares.

Hope you enjoyed it!