Tuesday, December 12, 2006


While driving home from work one of the areas where I am always stuck in traffic is an area of Calgary called Kensington. There are a bunch of lights and it's close to downtown, so although I'm never stuck there long, I am always stopped at the light. There are lots of interesting shops and people on this street. One of the stores has a resident dog who often runs up and down the street. THere is the best cupcake store there called Crave. There are interesting clothing stores, bead stores, coffee shops and art stores. Like I said often intersting people walking in and out of these stores.

Today as I was driving by I had a moment of jealously. I saw a girl who kinded of reminded me of me.... She had curly hair and a great jacket. She had a backpack on and was walking in and out of stores. That girl use to be me before I had a child. Before Lucas I was not always racing home to be with him. I spent all my time on me. If I wanted to I could stroll around an interesting part of town I could park my car and do so. I could get interesting Christmas presents and have hot chocolate at the local coffee shop. But that is not my life any more.

Rather then sitting in the car feeling sorry for myself, I decided Lucas and I should take the train (which he would love) and stroll around this part of town. Together we can shop and drink hot chocolate and of course get "cack". Rather then being sad about my old life I'll embrace the new one and try to incoporate things I enjoyed in my old life.

Till Tommorrow



Anonymous said...

Good on you Jenn
I cant think of anything nicer
we have trains that run past our house and I was thinking this afternoon that I should take Daniel on a train sometime and too have "cack" sounds just delightful :)

Lesley said...

That is an awesome attitude to have. I don't think kids should hinder our lifestyle we just may have to adapt things a wee bit. I'm sure Lucas would love the train!

Kristine said...

It's okay to feel like that sometimes. I still do all the time :)