Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Monthy Newsletter-Month Nine

Dear Lucas,

Well today is your nine month birthday. It is amazing that you have been in the world now longer then you grew inside of me. For me it feel like way longer that you have been in the world then I was pregnant. You have now grown into a very fun stage in life. It is fun for me and so fun for you. You smile and laugh alot and you make me smile and laugh alot. Sometimes it's the craziest things you laugh at, like the word "two" or "jumping". But once you laugh I love to do it over and over again till you are all laughed out.

You eat pretty much everything now. Really you are like your father and seem to like most foods. The only hings you have spit back out at me are cucumber, avacado and broccoli. Although we have only tried each of those things once, so maybe the next time. Today at Wendy's I gave you some Frosty and you thought that was delicious. I'm glad that we can share most anything I eat. It makes planning to take you out somewhere a little less tedious. Although I usually try to have some applesauce with me where ever I go.

Your sleep has been also going so well. We of curse had a blip at the start of the month, but things seemed to have ironed themselves out. Knock on wood. I'm glad and it feels like we have some means of a schedule. We do something fun every lumch hour and you get to sleep in between. You have become a really fun kid to hang out with. It will be great when you can talk to me.

This month also consisted of your first big cold, which led to the nickname snotty nose bogger face, although we don' really call you thatt anymore. Also the end of nursing. I'm sure I will say this in every newsletter, but I can't believe how fast you are growing up. I love all my time with you, and I'm thinking that you are loving all your time with me. Especially when I wear necklaces that you can chew on.

The other thing that I have totally noticed this month is how you understand what I am saying. Now when I ask you to find something in your toy box you often do. It started with your blocks. I'd say find the birdie, and you'd turn the block around till you found the picture of the birdie. I am definitly trying to talk directly to you and more clearly now so that you will continue to pick up things quickly. I am amazed at your intelligence. I'm just waiting for anyday now when you sign something to me.

Well my smart and adorable little man. Remember that mommy loves you and this has been the most amazing 9 months of my life.

Love Mommy.

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