Friday, February 03, 2006

Talk- Coldplay

Today is one of the days I wish Lucas could talk. I wish he could tell me what's wrong, is it teething, sleepy, hungry. The problem is that any of those options are plausible. Oh well, he's down for a nap now and not crying, so that's nice. I have given him some tylenol, so hopefully that will kick in and if he's still hungry maybe I'll try a bottle later this afternoon. Poor little guy, he's just been whining all day. I'm not sure if I screwed him up with taking him out this morning, rather then letting him nap at home. Or if my supply is low after two night's of sleep through the night. Maybe I'll call health link and see if they have any advice about supply. Hopefully a good nap and the rest of the day will be better.

We are also looking into daycare for Emma when we go away. We are looking into Pet Planet and it seems like a vacation for her. Turn down service with biscuits on the pillow, swim time and pedicures. Sounds like she'll be living the life of luxury.

Last night Tammy and I scrapbooked. It was fun and I feel like I'm getting stuff acomplished, which is nice. I'm not very picky about my scrapbooking, I'm just glad to be getting it done. Lucas has about 10 pages already. I do take alot of pictures of him.

For the game today here's our picture: Where in the World is Alexis? (so even Darryl can play this one)

The hint is it's not in Europe, but a place you can find Paris and Venice......

Anyway I'm going to go enjoy some tea while the little man sleeps.

Till Tommorrow



Anonymous said...

The Bellagio - Las Vegas, California!

Anonymous said...

I think she is a the Venetian in Las Vegas, I think that's what it's called