Thursday, January 12, 2006

Wild Thing

Well this is a very early post as Lucas is down again for a nap and I'm thinking I'll go out once he wakes up.

He only napped for half and hour this morning so he was up by 9:30, so back down again by 11:30. Hopefully he'll nap for a little longer this lunch time. We did have a very sucessful night. He woke at 11:30ish to feed and then slept till 7am, not waking at 3:30. Yeah the crying it out seems to work.

His new thing of the week is to grab onto a toy and flail it around like a wild thing. Sometimes he hits himself in the face, sometimes he hits me in the face (ouch) But he seems to like it. I figure he's probably teaching himself Newtons third law of physics. For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction. How do I know that you ask? Well I am a physics teacher. =)

SAIT called today and I've been put in the schedule to go back and do labs for 4 hours a week. Yeah! It will be fun to go back and teach again. Plus it is only for 12 weeks. Just enough to get my feet wet. Plus it will be good for Darryl and Lucas to spend some time together. Although he is going to have to have another bottle on that morning.

Thanks for the nice complement sweetie (Darryl) about my blogging. I do enjoy it and am glad that other people enjoy reading it. And Kristine, staying home is a blast. There are times when it is not easy and it's very different then being at work but it is great. I look forward to not working full time for many years to come. But while you are at work, be sure to enjoy your lunch breaks and peeing by yourself. While at home be sure to enjoy sleeping in, watching TV without interuption and weekends. It is amazing now but I have no idea what I did before Lucas. He is the greatest entertainment ever!

Anyway till tommorrow


1 comment:

Mo Khan said...

Jelous? You're jelous... hehe.. Darryl thought you might like this picture!