Well, holy mackelnoly what the year 2019 was! And really what a decade it was too. One of the greatest parts about having the blog is the joy of going back reading my thoughts on the present moments. While we get the same sort of things through facebook memories, it's nice to see its long-form on the blog as well.
2019 started with yoga January, skiing and the craze of Marie Kondo and trying to organize the house. Mostly though, it was so busy with school and taking two classes in the winter semester. I put a lot of time into reading, researching and writing. In fact, I think I only skied once in the winter because of the work, but also cause it was so darn cold!
In March things got a little crazy, I took Japanese exchange students to Lake Lousie for a fun day, went to Prince George to do accreditation and two days later we flew to Japan!
It was certainly the trip of a lifetime. We have spent lots of time reflecting now that it's been done for months and remember what an incredible time it was. We saw so much and walked a lot, but our favourite parts were being immersed in a culture that is so different from our own. Reflecting on the things we love about that, but also remember what we love about our own culture. I'm sure we'll never forget the ramen, that was so delicious. But we've also come to appreciate the multiculturalism of Canada and all the different types of food it brings. We loved the safety and that everyone grew up with the same values. We loved the digital art museum and the baseball game. The speedy trains and using our google maps to get us everywhere. I think all 4 of us would go back in a heartbeat and that is saying something for a place that was sort of chosen for its cheap flights.
Spring came and I finished my last course to complete my masters of education. It was a really incredible journey that changed the way I think and opened my eyes to so many possibilities. While I'm glad to be done the intensity of learning in a masters education, I am so grateful for the experience and to go through it with some really great people. The intentional learning that happens and discussions with a group is the best part of it. You learn so much from differing perspectives.
Another big opportunity happened for me just as I was finishing my masters in that a job I had been hoping for for a couple of years became available. The timing was perfect and I was able to move into the position. I am so grateful to be able to lead people in my field to train the next generation. Here is a picture of me standing on stage at the graduation congratulating the new graduates. I was so happy to be there, as it's been something I've wanted to do for years.
Like all the summers of the decade, we spent some wonderful weeks in Kelowna. This year the adventure was that the first night we were there Oma broke her hip. This caused lots of time at the hospital while she was recovering from pneumonia that caused her to fall out of bed and then for the surgery to repair her hip. Luckily we still had lots of lovely time at the beach, reading and drinking wine in between.
This fall had more work and trying to figure out the balance of the new job with the rest of our lives. It had my graduation and a work trip to Chicago. The boys are both the oldest in their school and growing confidence that comes along with being the unofficial leaders on a day to day basis. They are both excelling at hobbies, Lucas is a mountain biker extraordinaire and Nathan is becoming a really great drummer.
As I look through the last decade of blog posts I am so grateful for this incredible life I have been leading. To watch the boys grow over the last 10 years is the most precious gift I have been so privileged to enjoy. Summers spent in Kelowna and hiking, winters spent on the ski hills, these last 10 years have been so rich with experiences of life. Days of singing and laughter. Times of coaching and setting boundaries and other times of letting them grow and learn, it has been an amazing decade.
The numerous vacation with so many people whether its summer trips to Kelowna with Darryl or Tammy. New York with Mackenzie, Mexico or Florida with the family or Best friend concert trips with Tammy by life is so blessed. We have also had some incredible family trips and learned the value of life in Canada, each other, being adaptable and our different strengths though the Europe trip, extended California vacation and Japan.
Yoga became a big part of my life over the last 10 years as well and helped to shape my outlook and attitudes about day to day life and the people I'm privileged to have learned from.
Of course, there have been some challenges. I laughed when I read the summary from 2010. We lost family members and pets. But it's incredible to look back and see how those hard things produced some really wonderful things in the end.

2019 was really an incredible year, thank you to the many people who made it possible.
